Tuesday, November 30, 2010

AC College adopts Well Rounded Education model

AC College is open minded when it comes to education and reform. Each individual learner is inspired to devielop his/her highest potential and one of the key concepts are having well rounded education.

A well-rounded education is the key to a well rounded individual which generally leads to him/her becoming a productive citizen. Schools that adopt a well- rounded curriculum look to develop students who are motivated, critical thinkers and prepared for their future.Image via Wikipedia
This approach to educating young people is an approach that was utilized years ago when this country was rated one of the top educational systems in the world. Some of the qualities of a well-rounded curriculum listed in this article should be developed by all educational systems that believe young people should have numerous educational experiences.
Well rounded-educational curriculums have a different method of delivery in their classrooms. Students are asked to do more gathering, organizing and testing of facts as well as how to communicate those facts.

Students who learn these skills in their early educational years and carry them over to later years will have all the tools needed to be successful throughout their career. These students will be better equipped to analyze and comprehend material as well as develop a deeper understanding of the material. Furthermore, these educational curriculums expose students to a wide variety of subjects, while interconnecting the subjects to help give students an inclusive education. Students can take a music class and learn about the history of music, or physical education and learn about how the body works. Students learn how Interconnecting subjects is an example of how the world works. Another example could involve a Language Arts class writing about the culture, government and political structure from a another country, which is a good way to interconnect their education. In a well-rounded school, any subject can be interconnected with another. Also, schools can continue to expand their students learning by taking them on field trips and utilizing the trip to interconnect with the subject being taught in the classroom.

The well-rounded education will expose students to a number of electives classes such as: art, music, drama, physical education, technology, vocational to name a few. This is an addition to the regular subjects of history, math, science and language arts. Because of the added exposure to a variety of subjects, students will increase their vocabulary, creativity, awareness and possibly find an area of interest for their future.Students who are in the well rounded program understand that education is never complete.

They seek to learn more and be involved in activities that will prepare them for a lifetime of learning and help them to realize that everything is connected. This approach will help students to be more knowledgeable, which will lead to higher standardized test scores and bettered students for the future.

For additional information go to http://www.educationalmarketplace.net
Ronnie Phillips, a very experienced educator and parent.
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1 comment:

  1. good job
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