Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Mission and Vision

Accelerated Christian College has it's core principles based on Faith, Vision and Values, the heart of learning. In Christian Education the journey has clear signposts and the security of a known destination. In a word, Christian education is about Hope following through from Preschool to Grade 12.

To nurture young people as
Faithful, diligent, loving members of God’s family;
And to challenge and equip them
For Godly leadership
And to use their talents and gifts 
In their chosen fields
of Career and Study

IconImage via WikipediaWhy consider ACC? 

•    A child oriented approach.•    Proper guidance by specially selected teachers.
•    Positive Christian approach to develop a child’s self-confidence, self-direction,  
      independence and  self-discipline.
•    Maintain critical outcomes such as - Communication skills, problem solving,
     entrepreneurship, and respect  for individual and cultural differences, 
     self-expression and self-control.
•    Actively engaging the child in the learning process, by providing study aids, material and modern
      equipment to enhance his/her ability to think.
•    Stimulate the individual to experience a high degree of success through developmental activities, social
      growth and group activities.
•    Teach the learner to practice thoughtful and courteous behaviour.
•    Develop individual talents to enhance physical, spiritual and creative potential.

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